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Minggu, 20 Oktober 2013

3 The best pianist in the WORLD

1.Sergei Rachmaninoff

Known to have the biggest hand of all the most famous pianists, Rachmaninoff able to span up to 14 notes at a time, and he used this ability in composition, Rhapsody on TemaPaganini, 8 Prelude, and others.

2.Josef Hoffman

This young magic began performing piano concerts at the age of six and at the age of 12, he was the first recorded musician, working with Thomas Edison to make the first music recording.

3.Ludwig Van Beethoven

Someone who comes from the young German composer and pianist known for talent on the piano and the fact that he continues to play well and calm after hearing loss at the age of 26

The Most Expensive Piano

This is the most expensive piano worth 2.1 million dollars (buy cendol get a how ya?), Or about 21 billion dollars (not really anyway?)
This piano is expensive because "the piano her former vocalist john lennon the beatles, and imagine the song begins with the piano.
now ya piano already in liverpool museum.

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